Based on the 2022 annual Bosfietsberaad, where three NPC’s in Stellenbosch decided to further volunteer their efforts towards the further improvement and expansion of cycling-related infrastructure, a letter was sent to the municipal manager, contained below.
Category: Municipal missives
CITP 2022-2026 Comment by Stellenbosch Fietsry
Comments on the proposed NMT policy and Master Plan
Stellenbosch Fietsry se amptelike kommentaar oor die voorgestelde nuwe NMT-Beleid en -Meesterplan : 14 Junie 2021
COMMENTS: Stellenbosch Fietsry/Cycling
Stellenbosch Fietsry/Cycling, in broad terms, welcomes and underwrites the content of the above-mentioned documents. There are some secondary reservations regarding specific projects in the NMT Masterplan. These will be highlighted and commented on later.
Continue reading Comments on the proposed NMT policy and Master PlanDP/GOP 2020/21 Cycling Network/Fietsnetwerk for Stellenbosch
The Directors of Stellenbosch Fietsry/Cycling NPC request that the following be put on the list of priorities for the Integrated Development Plan of the Stellenbosch Municipality:
Die Direkteure van Stellenbosch Fietsry NPC versoek dat die volgende op die prioriteitslys van die Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan van die Munisipaliteit Stellenbosch geplaas word:
An appropriate five-year budget to establish a safe and convenient commuter cycling network in Stellenbosch.
‘n Gepaste vyfjaarbegroting om ‘n veilige en gerieflike fietspendelnetwerk op Stellenbosch te vestig.
A commuter cycling network in Stellenbosch is a vital component for a sustainable transport strategy. A safe and convenient network will play a significant role in alleviating vehicular traffic and parking problems with an added health benefit: exercise and less pollution.
Such an extended network will provide residents from all areas such as Ida’s Valley, Cloetesville, Kayamandi, Die Boord, Dalsig and the eastern neighbourhoods unhindered, safe and convenient access to the CBD, schools, shops etc and between neighbourhoods and areas.
The lack of an extended and connective network is the main reason why people do not commute more by bicycle in Stellenbosch. Painted cycle lanes on certain roads offer no protection and on main connector routes cyclists have to share narrow roads with vehicles, which is unsafe.
‘n Fietspendelnetwerk op Stellenbosch is ‘n noodsaaklike deel van ‘n volhoubare vervoerstrategie. ‘n Veilige en gerieflike netwerk sal ‘n beduidende rol speel in die verligting van die verkeers- en parkeerprobleem. Daarby het dit ‘n gesondheidsvoordeel: meer oefening en minder besoedeling.
So ‘n uitgebreide netwerk sal dit moontlik maak vir mense uit gebiede soos Idasvallei, Cloetesville, Kayamandi, Die Boord, Dalsig en die oostelike woonbuurte om ongehinderd, veilig en gerieflik na die middedorp, skole en tussen woongebiede te ry.
Tans verhoed die gebrek aan ‘n veilige fietsrynetwerk dat meer mense fiets ry vir pendeldoeleindes, want geverfde bane op sekere paaie bied nie beskerming nie en belangrike direkte verbindingsroetes is onveilig omdat ryers op die padoppervlakte moet ry sonder enige beskerming.
If we build it, people will use it!
As ons dit bou, sal mense dit gebruik!
Dawid Botha, Hugo Truter, Carinus Lemmer, Enrico Liebenberg
In reaksie op SF se beswaar dat daar nie vir fietsry begroot word nie, het die Munisipaliteit as volg gereageer
Date: 31 August 2020
Dawtd Botha Stellenbosch Cycling
Email: Attention: Mr Dawid Botha
Dear Mr Botha
The Stellenbosch Municipality would like to thank you for taking the time to peruse, and to provide feedback on, the Draft Third Review of the Fourth Generation Integrated Development Plan (IDP) 2017 – 2022 and Draft Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF) (Draft Budget) for the 2020/21 financial year.
The Municipality periodically compiles Roads, Transport and Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) plans and continually updates these plans as they are used, amongst other things, to inform decision making.
The implementation of any intervention contained in a plan would still require further processing, before a project is implemented, the needs of the Municipality /community are assessed and priorities are assigned (to each project). Due to limited resources, only projects that receive a very high priority, as well as top management approval – are assigned a portion of the Municipal budget.
Historically the roll out of infrastructure especially in low income areas have been lacking. Over the past 5 years, there has been an enormous outcry from these communities for improved sidewalk infrastructure. Following an assessment of these requests, it was determined that these requests should receive priority. Therefore, the focus of the Municipality’s resources over the past 5 years was the roll out of basic sidewalk infrastructure in these areas.
The Cycle Plan is a valuable document, that will in future be updated and incorporated into the overall NMT plan, the roll out interventions highlighted in the Cycle Plan will be implemented once the backlog of basic sidewalk infrastructure has been addressed.
Gurswin Cain
Manager IDP/PMS/PP
1 September 2020
Beswaar van Stellenbosch Fietsry teen die 2020/21 Munisipale begroting
Dawid Botha, voorsitter van Stellenbosch Fietsry, het op 6 Mei hierdie brief aan die Munisipaliteit gerig en die volgende beswaar aangeteken.
Dit is met groot teleurstelling dat ons weer moet verneem dat daar feitlik geen geld virdie aanstaande boekjaar toegewys is aan geriewe vir die bevordering van veilige fietsry op Stellenbosch nie, terwyl miljoene rande begroot word vir sypaadjies.
Ons is nie teen die verbetering van sypaadjies nie, maar ons vra vir ‘n meer regverdige verdeling van fondse.
Daar is ‘n dringende nood vir veilige fietsryroetes in ons hele dorp. As organisasie kry ons gedurig versoeke vir meer veilige fietspaaie.
Daar is ‘n goeie en goedgekeurde Fietsplan wat in 2015 deur die Raad aanvaar is. Die plan stel ook stapsgewys voor hoe die plan uitgevoer moet word.
Dit het nog nie gebeur nie!
Ons versoek is dus nie in die lug nie, maar volgens ‘n deeglik uitgewerkte plan.
Die Fietsplan bepaal ook prioriteite wat ons as Stellenbosch Fietsry al meermale met die Burgemeester, Burgemeesterskomiteelid vir Infrastruktuur, die Direkteur Infrastruktuur en die Hoof: Paaie en Stormwater bespreek het.
Die plan het voorstelle vir veilige fietsry vir feitlik elke straat/pad in die breër gemeenskap van Stellenbosch – beslis nie net vir die middedorp nie!
Soos met sypaadjies, maak inwoners van alle gemeenskappe gebruik van fietsgeriewe, en is Stellenbosch meestal onveilig vir kwesbare fietsryers, veral diegene wat na hul werk en ander bestemmings pendel.
Ons versoek is dus dat u die voorstelle soos vervat in die Fietsplan aanspreek, en beduidend aanspreek aangesien fietsryers saam met voetgangers die mees kwesbare gebruikers van ons paaie is.
Met dank
Dawid Botha
Voorsitter: Stellenbosch Fietsry
Big boost for cycle paths and locking facilities in Stellenbosch municipal budget
There is good news for cycling and NMT in the newly approved municipal budget.
Non-motorised transport to improve the transport situation has been budgeted for as follows over the next 3 years:
• Bicycle Lockup Facilities R500,000
• Kayamandi Pedestrian Crossing (R304, River and Railway Line) R5,000,000
• Pedestrian and Cycle Paths R4,000,000
• Sidewalk Implementation R1,800,000